Mar 13, 2025
PSYCH 892 Dissertation Completion and Approval by Committee 12 unit(s) This course provides the student the opportunity to complete doctoral dissertation research which contributes to the body of knowledge in one’s field. Upon approval of the proposal defense, the student continues to complete scholarly research on their dissertation and work with their mentor/dissertation chair to carefully consider conclusions based upon the research results and analyses and which are consistent with the introduction. The Dissertation Committee guides the student through completion of the research and the documentation in the form of a final written dissertation that meets the standards of academic quality and an original contribution to knowledge. The completed research dissertation includes a statement of the research question(s) and its significance, how the research will make an original contribution to knowledge, a robust literature review, the research design and methodology, an assessment of expected limitations, and some ideas of future research. It ends with carefully considered conclusions, based upon the research results and analyses and which are consistent with the introduction. It should be well-written, in compliance with current APA style guidelines, and present a compelling justification for its value as a worthy research focus. Graded on a credit/no credit basis.
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