2019-2020 Law School Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
LAW - 706V Lawyering: Landlord-Tenant Law (HLP) 2 unit(s) This course will prepare HLP students for their summer real-world legal apprenticeships by teaching both the substantive law of landlord-tenant disputes and also the skills needed to use and apply the law to resolve the legal problems faced by their real clients. The course will teach students lawyering skills such as interviewing, counseling, and negotiation and to provide students with the opportunity to practice those skills in simulated exercises in preparation for their work during the summer semester, under the supervision of an experienced lawyer in real cases. The course is designed to provide students with essential feedback on their individual progress toward achieving competency in these lawyering skills. Open only to students in the Honors Lawyering Program.
Select the appropriate link below to view the course catalog and course schedule on the GGU website: