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    Feb 11, 2025  
2019-2020 Law School Student Handbook 
2019-2020 Law School Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Information

Notice to Students

Students are responsible for ascertaining and following the rules, policies, and procedures contained in this Student Handbook and, where referenced, on the Law School’s website. In addition, all students are subject to the rules, policies, and procedures of Golden Gate University, even those not specifically described in this handbook.

The Law School’s website,, is the online resource for information, policies, and services referenced in this handbook. In addition, the website provides access to GGU4YOU, Golden Gate University’s web portal to the administrative database.

A new edition of this handbook is published at the beginning of each academic year. All students should carefully review the new edition each year as all students are subject to all sections of the current handbook, except that continuing students who matriculated in prior academic years are governed by the Grading Polices  portion of the Academic Standards  of the current handbook and by all other portions of the Academic Standards  in the handbooks for their respective matriculation years.

The provisions of this Student Handbook are subject to change at any time. The Law School expressly reserves the right to change the requirements for continuation at the School of Law or graduation, the right to modify the offering, timing, and content of courses, the right to modify scholarship policies, and the right to change regulations affecting the student body, including but not limited to the requirements relating to academic standing, disqualification, and graduation. Such changes shall become effective whenever the administration deems appropriate and may operate retroactively. Any changes to the Student Handbook made between the annually published versions will be noticed to students via email or Law School News.

Emergency Services

In case of medical or family emergencies, the following telephone numbers can be used to reach GGU Staff, who will attempt to get a message to the student. Please note that, due to federal regulations, no contact information, course schedule or other information about students will be released to anyone without the express, written permission of the student.

  • Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5:30 pm
    Contact Law Student Affairs at 442-6615 or the Dean’s Office at 442-6600.
  • Other times when the university is open (nights and weekends)
    Dial “0” from any campus phone or 442‐7000 from an outside phone.
  • When the university is closed
    Leave a message on the Law Student Affairs or Dean’s Office voicemail, or contact GGU security services by calling 442-7093.

A student with a potential health emergency should, when possible, inform the Law Student Affairs Office ahead of time so that appropriate action can be taken in the event such an emergency does arise.


Students with a security problem, including lost or stolen articles, should contact the switchboard operator by dialing “0” from a campus phone or 442‐7000 from an outside phone. After regular hours (after 10 pm Monday through Friday and after 3:30 pm on weekends) a GGU security staff member may be contacted by calling 442-7093.

Escort Service

As a courtesy, the university operates a security escort service to accompany students from the university to their means of transportation after dark, within a reasonable distance. To request an escort, students may either call the operator or go to the information desk on the first floor. While it is unusual, sometimes (typically on Friday evenings) no escorts are available. Students should arrange in advance for escorts on weekends.

Escort service maps, which show the range of service, are available from the information desk in the first floor lobby.

Lost and Found Items

The university’s lost and found area is located at the Business Services and Facilities Office front counter in room P-63 (on the Plaza Level). Items can be turned in or retrieved from that office during its normal hours of operation. The front counter is open from 10 am to 7 pm, Monday through Friday. At all other times, please contact the operator by dialing “0” from a campus phone or 442-7000 from an outside phone for additional information and assistance. Students also may check with Law Student Affairs about lost items.

Personal Property Insurance

The Law School does not assume responsibility for loss or damage to personal property belonging to students. Students should inspect their own insurance policies to determine any such coverage.

Campus Security Information

In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, Golden Gate University publishes a set of crime survey statistics for the campus and surrounding area. That information, and other important security information, is available in Street Smarts, a document published annually by Business Services and Facilities. Street Smarts is available online via Golden Gate University’s website, under “About GGU.” Hard copies of Street Smarts are also available upon request from Business Services and Facilities.

Administrative Offices

The majority of the School of Law’s faculty and administrative offices, including classrooms and the Student Bar Association, are located on the second and third floors of the building at 536 Mission Street. The entrance to the Law Library is on the street level, in the main lobby adjacent to the university switchboard and information desk.

Mailing Address

The mailing address for all offices and departments within the School of Law is:

Golden Gate University School of Law
536 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94105-2968

Phone Number

The phone number for the main university switchboard is 442-7000, and the law school’s main phone number is 442-6600. All telephone numbers referenced in this handbook are in the 415 area code.

Facility Hours

536 Mission Street: Monday through Friday - 7:30 am to 11 pm; Saturday - 7:30 am to 8:30 pm; Sunday 11 am to 6 pm

School of Law Offices


442-6664 or
Hours: Hours may vary, but will be posted on the office door. Please email for specific information.


442-6630 or
Hours: Monday through Friday - 9 am to 5:30 pm


442-7824 or
Hours: Monday through Friday - 9 am to 5 pm


369-5384 / or 442-6644/
Hours: Hours may vary, but will be posted on the office door. Please email for specific information.


442-6625 or
Hours: Monday through Friday - 9 am to 5:30 pm; Evening hours by appointment


Hours: Monday through Friday - 9 am to 5:30 pm


442-6698 or
Hours: Monday through Friday - 9 am to 5 pm


Hours: Monday through Thursday - 8:30 am to 6:30 pm; Friday - 8:30 am to 5:00 pm


442-6635 or
Hours: Monday through Friday 9 am to 5 pm, and by appointment


Hours: Monday through Friday - 9 am to 6:30 pm


369-5358 or
Hours: Monday through Friday - 9:30 am to 6 pm


Hours: Monday through Thursday - 7:30 am to 10:30 pm; Friday - 7:30 am to 9 pm; Saturday - 10 am to 7 pm; Sunday - 11 am to 6 pm (Hours are extended during exam study periods and restricted on holidays, semester breaks, and in the summer.)
Computer Lab: Monday through Thursday - 7:30 am to 10:15 pm; Friday - 7:30 am to 8:45 pm; Saturday - 10:00 am to 6:45 pm; Sunday - 11 am to 5:45 pm.


442-6668 or
Hours: Monday through Friday - 9 am to 5:30 pm


Hours: Monday through Friday - 9 am to 5 pm


442-6620 or
Hours: Monday through Thursday - 9 am to 6:30 pm; Friday - 9 am to 5:30 pm


442-7839 or
Hours: Monday through Friday - 9 am to 5:30 pm.


442-6615 or
Hours: Monday and Friday - 9 am to 5:30 pm, Tuesday through Thursday - 9 am to 6:30 pm. Evening hours by appointment. Any variations to these hours will be posted on the office door.


442-6578 or
Hours: Monday through Thursday - 10 am to 6:30 pm; Friday - 10 am to 5 pm

Student Communication

Student Email Accounts

All students are required to have a valid email and mailing address on file with the Registrar’s Office at all times. Email is the primary mode of communication with students. All students are required to check this email account regularly. Students should send messages from the addresses on record in order to verify their identities. Students who send messages from addresses other than those that are on record will not be given confidential information.

Law School News

Law School News (LSN) is a weekly newsletter published by the School of Law. Students are required to read LSN on a regular basis to keep up to date on important policies, deadlines, and time-sensitive information. In addition, the Student Handbook is subject to change at any time during the year. Students will be notified of changes to the handbook through notices in LSN.

Aside from providing important administrative information about policies, courses, examinations, deadlines, review sessions, etc., LSN includes announcements of social events, on-campus speakers, career development programs, and other important news. All notices published in LSN are considered to have been communicated to all students.

LSN is published weekly during the fall and spring terms while classes are in session. It is distributed via email to all law students’ registered e-mail accounts. LSN also is available on the “Organizations & Student Life” section of the Student Affairs website behind the GGU4YOU login.

Faculty, staff, and student organizations may submit announcements for publication in LSN pursuant to the guidelines posted under the “Organizations & Student Life” section of the Student Affairs website.


GGU4YOU is the university’s online service system which is accessed from the website, User accounts are created automatically at the time of admission. User names and passwords are sent to students’ e-mail address on record at the time of account creation. Students who do not receive their GGU4YOU account information or have any other questions may e-mail for assistance.

Students may use the GGU4YOU system to update their address and contact information, view course schedules, register for courses, get their exam number, see their grades, view degree program evaluations, order transcripts, view financial aid information, and make credit card payments.

GGU4YOU is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but access to registration and adding/dropping courses is subject to the published priority registration dates. Although traditional in-person services are available, students are strongly encouraged to use GGU4YOU for registration and other matters.

Flyers & Digital Signage

Members of the GGU Community may post approved flyers in authorized locations and submit materials to be displayed on the second and third floor digital signs in accordance with the policies and procedures posted under the “Organizations & Student Life” section of the Student Affairs website.

Student Messages and Announcements

Changes in classroom locations or times, class meeting cancellations, and other important notices will be posted outside the classroom door and/or emailed to affected students as needed.


Each law student may be assigned the use of one individual on-campus locker at no charge. Lockers are assigned randomly during new student orientation, or may be requested during the year by contacting Law School, Student Affairs. Locker assignments typically remain the same throughout a student’s career at GGU, but the administration reserves the right to change student lockers if needed. Advanced notification will be provided prior to any such change. There is no seniority or priority for any students for locker size or location, with the exception of students with a verified disability. Students are not permitted to use more than one locker or to use a different locker than the one assigned. Student Affairs reserves the right to cut locks and remove belongings kept in unauthorized lockers without prior notification. GGU is not responsible for items kept in unlocked or unauthorized lockers. Confiscated belongings will be held for one week only. Unclaimed items will be destroyed or donated.

Lockers must remain locked at all times. If Student Affairs or security staff observes a locker unlocked after the second week of the academic year, they may lock the locker. It is then the student’s responsibility to contact Student Affairs to reclaim the locker. Students must relinquish their assigned lockers on the last day of final exams of their last academic term, unless granted an extension by Student Affairs. GGU is not responsible for any belongings left in locked or unlocked lockers after rights have been relinquished upon withdrawal, disqualification, or graduation.

Food, beverages, and used food containers may not be stored in lockers at any time.

Violation of these rules, including tampering with lockers, graffiti, or use of stickers, is strictly prohibited and may forfeit the student’s right to use a locker and/or result in discipline under the Standards of Student Conduct.

Health Insurance

GGU Law does not provide nor require students to have health insurance. However, you are strongly encouraged to have coverage throughout law school. Accidents and illnesses can happen, and having insurance can help you keep your focus on law school and avoid large medical bills.

Computer and Technology Use

Computer Network Access

Network resources are intended for educational and research purposes. To ensure that a computer connected to our network does not negatively impact other computers, students are required to have up-to-date anti-virus software installed on their laptop computers prior to connecting to Golden Gate University’s academic network (wired and wireless). Anyone using the network should also take proper precautions against malicious spyware or viruses. Any student whose improperly protected laptop computer disrupts network performance may be held responsible for any damage to university resources. Students must not use peer-to-peer file sharing applications when connected to the GGU network (see below). Use of network resource intensive applications such as web servers, ftp servers and audio/video conferencing software is inappropriate.

Audio Recording of Classes

The faculty has adopted a general policy permitting the use of audio recorders in class. Faculty members who do not wish to have a class recorded will announce this on the first day of class and list it in their syllabi. Recording of lectures or class presentations is authorized solely for students currently enrolled in that course section, for the purpose of studying. Recordings may not be posted, uploaded, distributed, or shared by any means without the express permission of the professor. Distribution of class recordings without permission violates university policy and may constitute copyright infringement in violation of federal and/or state law.

Unauthorized Distribution of Copyrighted Material

Unauthorized distribution (downloading or uploading) of copyrighted material over the Internet, including peer-to-peer file sharing, is considered copyright infringement. Copyrighted material that may not be shared without authorization includes recorded music (often in the form of MP3 or MP4 files), movies, television shows, digital books, or magazines. Copyright infringement may subject a student to civil and criminal liabilities.

Summary of Civil and Criminal Penalties for Violation of Federal Copyright Laws

Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement.

Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or statutory damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For “willful” infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys’ fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505.

Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense.

For more information, please see the Web site of the U.S. Copyright Office at, especially their FAQ’s at

Institutional Penalties for Copyright Infringement

Students who use the university’s network to engage in unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material are in violation of the Standards of Student Conduct and will be disciplined accordingly and possibly reported to licensing organizations, such as the State Bar.

Legal Alternatives for Acquiring Copyrighted Material

A fairly exhaustive list of web sites from which you may legally obtain copyrighted material is published by EDUCAUSE.

Counseling & Advising

Academic Advising

The Associate Dean and the Director of Student Affairs, Law School are available for private academic advising throughout the year. All JD students are invited to seek advice regarding course selection, progress towards degree completion, or general academic concerns. JD students entering their final year of study are strongly encouraged to meet with an advisor to ensure they are on track to graduate.

To schedule an in-person or telephone appointment, students should drop by Student Affairs, Law School, room 2333, or call 442-6615. Student Affairs is open until 6:30 pm on Tuesday through Thursday each week during the school terms. Additional evening hours are available upon request.

Students are responsible for enrolling in required courses and monitoring their progress towards completing their degree requirements by their anticipated graduation dates. Academic program evaluations are available on GGU4YOU by accessing “Academic Advising” and then “View My Program Evaluation Report.”

Upper division students may select their own course schedules, as long as they conform to the required course guidelines, unit loads based on their program status, and any conditions imposed by the Academic Standards Committee. Most upper division students take some elective and required courses each semester.

Students should carefully read the following:

  • The Student Handbook from your year of your matriculation (available online here), particularly the “Academic Standards” section and “Schedules and Course Descriptions” section;
  • Current course descriptions and syllabi, available on GGU4YOU and the website;
  • Law School News (available online)
Students are responsible for knowing all information contained in these and other School of Law publications.

General questions about courses and scheduling that are not otherwise addressed in this Handbook or other publications should be directed to the Registrar, Associate Dean or Director of Student Affairs, Law School, faculty advisors for the various certificates of specialization, or LLM or SJD Program Directors. Detailed questions about a particular course should be directed to the instructor or the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

International students with questions regarding F-1 and J-1 visas should refer to the International Students  section of this handbook for more complete information.

Individual Counseling

  1. Courses
    Whenever possible, a student with a concern about a particular course should discuss the issue with the instructor and, if appropriate, follow up with the Director of the relevant program. If this is not possible, or if these discussions do not resolve the problem, the student should meet with the Associate Dean or Director of Law School, Student Affairs, the LLM Program Director, or the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Students needing substantive help with course material should contact the course professor and/or the Academic Development Program staff.
  2. Financial Aid
    Students with financial aid concerns should speak directly with a financial aid counselor. If this does not resolve the problem, students should speak with the Director of Financial Aid. Questions or problems with student accounts should be directed to Student Accounting Services.
  3. Personal Concerns
    Students with personal concerns that are interfering or may interfere with their ability to attend classes, study, or take exams should promptly contact the Associate Dean or Director for Student Affairs, Law School to discuss how to address the situation. Student Affairs does not engage in long-term counseling, but may direct students to outside resources to help them resolve their concerns. To schedule an in-person or telephone appointment, students should drop by Student Affairs in room 2333 or call 442-6615. If the situation is urgent, the student should let someone in Student Affairs know that more immediate assistance is needed.

    In addition, students may receive confidential counseling and support through GGU’s Wellness Resources office, which assists law students in successfully managing life situations that challenge their ability to meet personal, academic and career goals. This includes up to twenty individualized, confidential counseling sessions and health education opportunities that encourage effective lifestyle choices and teach skills that will serve students in and out of the classroom. Privacy is always respected, and all records are confidential and maintained separately from academic records.
    1. Counseling services include assessment, short-term counseling, couples/relationship therapy and referral to off-campus resources as needed.

      Wellness Resources is staffed by pre-licensed counselors working under the clinical supervision of a licensed therapist. Student’s first four visits are free, with 16 additional sessions at $20.00 each.

      Interested students can schedule an initial confidential phone consultation one of three ways: Online at GGU4YOU/Wellness Resources/ Schedule an initial consultation; call 415-442-6578 and leave a voice message or email your available time-frames to A Wellness Resources clinical staff member will reach back out to set up an initial in-person appointment.

      Wellness Resources is located in the east wing of the first floor (the GGU Hub), in room 1381.
    2. Intentional Mental Health Education / The Brain Train Series
      Wellness Resources has an ongoing initiative to teach students breath and body tools to help students manage their stress reactivity. These tools help to reduce anxiety which can lead to overwhelm and panic. These simple practices are presented in Labs: Drop-in Mind Management Labs and Power Pause Practice sessions to support optimal performance and confidence on-the-spot. More information is available on GGU4You/ Wellness Resources or contact Lori Granger, LMFT 415-442-7281 or

Student Organizations

One of Golden Gate University School of Law’s great strengths is its active and enthusiastic student body. Student organizations serve the interests of a diverse population and spend a significant amount of time and effort developing programs and organizing activities to support their members and enrich the law school experience for everyone. Student groups publicize their activities in the Events Calendar, in Law School News, and by posting approved flyers and digital signage. Each organization has a mailbox in the Student Bar Association (SBA) Lounge.

SBA meetings are public, and all students are encouraged to attend and participate in SBA meetings and events. All students are eligible to vote in SBA elections, which are held every spring.

A portion of each student’s fees goes to the SBA, whose officers make decisions about what activities and programs to fund throughout the year, including allocations to SBA-approved student organizations. Any student organization planning to raise or collect funds aside from the SBA funds allotted to the organization must coordinate appropriate accounting policies with the Director of Administration and Technology Services. Student organizations are not permitted to maintain bank accounts.

Student organization leaders are expected to collaborate and communicate regularly with their faculty and OCS staff advisors. This is especially important when members of the student organization invite attorneys and other VIP guests to campus.

A list and description of all student organizations recognized by the School of Law may be found on the website. If you wish to start a new student group, revive a group that has been inactive, or update the name or description of your student organization, please contact the SBA President or Student Affairs, Law school.

Law Library

Students should visit the Law Library website for extensive information about the law library and resources for students:

The law library operates on two floors of the west side of 536 Mission Street. The entrance to the library is on the first floor street level. Students must make sure the electronic eye takes their student ID barcode information, so the gate will open. The law library is then one floor below the entrance level. There are three sets of stairs and one elevator for access to the Plaza and Basement levels where the law library is situated. Students are expected to remain quiet while using the stairs or other common areas within the law library.

The law library has a collection of more than 300,000 volumes as well as access to a number of online subscription services. The library also houses a computer lab and an extensive microform collection. The knowledgeable staff is available to help law students understand legal research methods, answer specific questions, and carry out the tasks necessary to keep the law library operating efficiently.

Contact information:


Reference 442-6692
Director 442-6682
Law Library Web Page

Fall and Spring Semester Hours:

Monday through Thursday

7:30 am to 10:30 pm
Friday 7:30 am to 9 pm
Saturday 10:00 am to 7 pm
Sunday 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
The schedule is abbreviated during holidays, semester breaks, and summer.
All variations are posted.

Access Policy

The law library serves law students, faculty, and alumni. In 1984, a limited access policy was instituted, which allows the law library to ensure that our law students and faculty receive the service and space they need, while accommodating a reasonable number of local attorneys through a fee-based membership program. Golden Gate University undergraduate and graduate students may also use the law library. Because the law library is a government depository, members of the public who need to use government documents must be admitted.

A Golden Gate University identification card is required to enter the law library. Be sure to carry your student ID card at all times.

Circulation Desk/Course Reserve

Library staff and student workers are available at the desk to check books in and out of the library, answer directional questions, sign out course reserve materials, and accept requests for inter-library loans. The law library does not purchase or maintain a collection of course textbooks.

Information and Research Assistance

Reference desk librarians assist with legal research and answer informational questions. The reference and Open Reserves collections are near the reference desk.

Reference librarians are generally available and can be reached by telephone, email, chat, and in person. Reference conferences can be arranged by appointment.

Open Reserve Area

Hornbooks, Nutshells, loose-leaf resources, and other high-use items are in the Open Reserve Area, near the reference desk. Materials are placed in Open Reserve to give as many students as possible access to items most in demand. Most materials are available for use only in the law library. Twenty-four hour loans are available for selected items.

Exams On File

Essay exams with examples of model answers are located on the plaza level in the library. They also are available on our website


Microforms are in Basement Room B-2. All materials are listed in the online catalog and marked “MICRO.” A “Microform Finder,” located near the cabinets, pinpoints the cabinet drawer where the title is stored. Use the reader-printers to make copies.

Government Documents

The law library is a depository for selected California and federal government documents. In exchange for receiving these materials free of charge, the library provides access to members of the public.

Interlibrary Loans/Access to Other Libraries

Items not available in our collection may be borrowed through interlibrary loan. For more information, ask at the circulation or reference desk. The law library has reciprocal access arrangements for Golden Gate law students with two other law libraries in the Bay Area. For more information, contact a reference librarian.

On-Line Catalog

Search the online catalog to find the location of resources in the law library collection.

Computer Lab

The computer lab is available to currently enrolled Golden Gate University students for research and school-related purposes. Programs available on these machines include word processing, spreadsheets, LexisNexis, Westlaw, BloombergBNA, and other legal online services, as well as access to the Internet. Printing is $0.13 per side of the page. As only currently registered GGU students may use the labs; students may be asked to show their photo IDs while using the computers. Plug-in and wireless network access is available throughout the law library.

For wireless laptop set up instructions, see

Computer-Assisted Legal Research

LexisNexis, Westlaw, and Bloomberg Law access is available to law students. Students will be given their individual access codes during orientation. These are valuable, and their use is restricted to educational purposes only. It is each student’s responsibility to register their access codes and maintain their accounts throughout their law school careers. The contract with these companies is managed by the law library. If any problems arise, please see one of the reference librarians.

Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)

CALI interactive exercises cover most legal topics. These exercises can be accessed at Contact a reference librarian with any questions.


Books should be returned to their proper shelves after use so that other patrons do not waste time searching for them.


Photocopy machines are located on all floors of the law library. Copies cost 13 cents. Copy cards can be purchased only through the card dispenser, which is located on the first floor, near the Open Reserves. The card dispenser accepts $1 or $5 bills; please use a one-dollar bill to purchase your first copy/print card.

Circulation Policy and Fines

Students must have a valid Golden Gate University identity card in order to borrow books. Since law libraries are primarily reference collections, only a small percentage of the collection can be checked out. Circulation desk staff is able to answer questions about which items may leave the library.

Circulating (non-reserve) materials are available for two-week loans. Students may renew loans twice, if no one else has requested the items and if they are not overdue. If an item is not returned by its due date, a fine of $5 per item will be assessed. If a bill is mailed, an additional $5 processing fee for each item is levied, together with the replacement cost of each item or $50 per item, whichever is higher. For returned items, only the applicable fines will be assessed. Students will be subject to an additional $10 fine and processing fee per item for every week that the item is overdue.

Possible consequences for failing to return items or pay fines include: loss of law library borrowing privileges or blocked grade reports, transcripts, registration, or graduation.

Any patron may use the open reserve materials in the law library. Some open reserve materials are available for 24-hour loan to Golden Gate law students and faculty; these materials are clearly labeled. Overdue material is subject to a $5 fine for the first hour and $1 per hour thereafter, plus service and replacement charges, if not returned.

Course reserve materials may be checked out at the circulation desk for two hours; these are renewable if no one else has requested the material. Course reserve materials may be removed from the building, but must be returned on time. Patrons with overdue items will be fined $5 for the first hour and $1 per hour thereafter for each overdue item. A course reserve item not returned is also subject to added service charges plus $50, or the cost of replacing the item, whichever is greater.

Group Study Rooms

Ten group study rooms are available, four in the basement and six on the plaza level of the law library, for GGU student use only. Keys to these rooms may be checked out at the circulation desk for two hours at a time. Renewals are possible if no other students are waiting for a room. These keys may not leave the law library and are subject to the same fines as reserve materials. During busy periods, there must be at least two students in a room. Baggage left unattended in an unoccupied study room will be removed. Although food is now allowed in the law library, including the group study rooms, food is not permitted that, by odor, sound, or debris, disturbs others.

Cell Phones

Cell phone use is not permitted in the law library. It is expected that library patrons will set their cell phones to silent alert. If a cell phone call needs to be taken or made, the student must do so outside the library in order to avoid disturbing others. Texting, however, is permitted and encouraged.


Food and beverages are permitted in the law library. Any carrying, unwrapping, ingestion, digestion, and disposal of refuse must be done in a manner that does not disturb or offend other library patrons or staff. Patrons must take out what they bring in. Crinkling wrappers, crunchy food consumption, or any food odors may result in ejection from the law library.


Smoking is prohibited in the law library. “Smoking” includes, but is not limited to, the use of electronically operated vapor devices, e-cigarettes, or vaping.

Office for Career Services

Office for Career Services(OCS) partners with students and alumni to address their career development needs. The office is open from 9 am to 5:30 pm and may be reached at 442-6625. Evening appointments are available by prior arrangement.

OCS staff provides comprehensive career services to law students and graduates. Students have access to individual career counseling, a resume and cover letter review service, recruiting and employment opportunities, career resource library, and a variety of online resources and social media outlets. Up-to-date job listings are available through the LCDonline system at

OCS educates students about the job search process and legal career options by presenting workshops and inviting attorneys to campus to share their experiences with students. In addition, OCS promotes a variety of networking and professional development opportunities through bar associations, mock interview events, and other programs.

OCS staff members conduct orientation meetings with first-year law students at the end of the first semester of law school. At these mandatory orientation meetings, staff members begin the career planning process and introduce students to the variety of services and resources available to them. Office for Career Services continues to work in partnership with students throughout law school and after graduation to coach them through refining their career goals and planning and implementing job search strategies.

Eligibility for Assistance

The services and resources of OCS are available to all students currently enrolled in the JD, LLM, or SJD programs at Golden Gate University School of Law, as well as alumni of these programs. Students and alumni of other ABA-accredited law schools may request access to the resources of the Office for Career Services through the terms of a reciprocity agreement between Golden Gate and their school. Access to the office is limited to the terms specified in the reciprocity policy, available from OCS.

Use of Office for Career Services

Students may use the resources of OCS for job search-related activities only. The computers, telephone, scanner, fax machine, photocopier, letterhead, supplies and other resources of the office are not for personal use. Students using OCS resources must agree to abide by all policies posted in the office regarding the use of office equipment and resources.

Services to First-Year Students

Golden Gate University School of Law is a member of NALP, the Association for Legal Career Professionals. According to Part V.D. of NALP’s standards and procedures:

  1. To position law students to be as successful as possible, their efforts during the first semester of law school should focus on their studies rather than on job search activities. Nonetheless, opportunities to learn about professionalism, professional development and the legal profession are appropriate early in law school. Recognizing that law schools will differ in philosophy as to first-year career development activities, law schools nevertheless should not begin offering one-on-one career counseling or application document reviews to first-year students before October 15 (except in the case of part-time students who may be given assistance in seeking positions during the school term). Individual law schools may set later dates as appropriate.
  2. Prospective employers and first year law students should not initiate contact with one another and employers should not interview or make offers to first year students before December 1.
  3. All offers to first year students for summer employment should remain open for at least two weeks after the date made.

JD Student Employment Limitations

GGU prohibits JD students from being employed for pay in excess of 20 hours per week during any week in which the student is enrolled in more than 12 semester units. (Hours worked for academic credit are not counted towards the 20 hours.) First year full-time students may not be employed for pay at all. Failure to comply with this requirement may be considered a violation of the Standards of Student Conduct.

OCS Resource Library Circulation Policy

The OCS Resource Library, which is located in the Office for Career Services, is integrated with the Law Library’s collection. Students may search the Library’s online catalog to identify resources housed at OCS.

Students must have a valid Golden Gate ID card or membership card in order to borrow books. Many OCS materials do not circulate but may be used on the premises and, in some cases, copied. Students should consult the Law Library’s circulation policy for details regarding the length of resource loans, overdue fines, and other relevant information.

Possible consequences of failing to return items or pay fines include loss of Law Library borrowing privileges or blocked grade reports, transcripts, registration, or graduation.

LCDonline and Recruiting Programs

LCDonline is the official system for all information regarding recruiting programs, job listings, deadlines, presentations, and other OCS activities. All students will be assigned a username and password for access to the LCDonline system. Students will be required to maintain an updated profile, including a current email address. During the on-campus interview season, a student must maintain an updated profile with current contact information and check the LCDonline system at least once a day for updates to his or her interview schedule. Students are required to have a resume and at least one cover letter approved by OCS if they wish to participate in on-campus recruiting programs. Failure to have application materials approved may result in exclusion from on-campus recruiting programs.

Cancellation Policies

Interview Cancellations

In the event that a student needs to cancel a job interview arranged through the School of Law’s recruiting programs or sponsored job fairs, the student must provide at least 48 hours’ notice to OCS (and to the employer for interviews located at the employer’s office). A student who does not attend a scheduled interview, or cancels an interview fewer than 48 hours in advance, will be required to send a letter of apology to the employer and provide the Associate Dean for Office for Career Services with a copy. The student will not be permitted to participate in the on-campus interview program until the Associate Dean receives a copy of the apology letter. Cancellations, especially with short notice, reflect poorly on the student and on the School of Law.

Employment Offers

Evaluating an offer for a job, internship, externship, or clinical experience is an important process. Students should contact OCS for advice and assistance. In addition, students must review and comply with the following principles:

  1. Accepting an Offer
    Students should consider the acceptance of an offer to be a binding obligation. Students should not accept offers of employment if they do not intend to honor that commitment. Once a student accepts an offer of employment, he or she must immediately contact all other employers who are evaluating his or her candidacy and withdraw from consideration. All students should contact OCS to report their job acceptance.

    A student should not continue to interview or “shop around” for competing opportunities that would conflict with the commitment he or she has made to his or her employer. Doing so could damage the student’s reputation as well as that of the School of Law.
  2. NALP Standards Governing Offers with Employers Having More Than 25 Attorneys
    As a member of NALP, Golden Gate University School of Law expects its students, personnel, and employer community to adhere to NALP Principles and Standards for Law Placement and Recruitment Activities. School of Law students must review and comply with the Principles and Standards stated on NALP’s website, The key components of these guidelines for your review are:
    1. Part III. Principles for Candidates
      Part III largely discusses students’ responsibility to conduct themselves in a professional manner throughout the job search process, which includes honoring their employment commitments and representing their qualifications and interests fully and accurately. To assist OCS with their reporting requirements, students are encouraged to communicate any offers received to OCS.
    2. Part V. General Standards for the Timing of Offers and Decisions during Fall Recruitment
      NALP member schools and their students, along with NALP employers, should comply with the timing standards set forth in Part V of NALP Principles and Standards. Students should review the guidelines in their entirety at

Nondiscrimination Policy

Employers who utilize OCS have agreed to abide by the School of Law’s nondiscrimination policy:

Golden Gate University’s Office for Career Services does not make its facilities or services available to employers who discriminate on the basis of race, sex, creed, religion, age, color, disability, sexual orientation, gender identification, ancestry, national/ethnic origin, nationality/citizenship, political affiliation, marital status, medical condition, or any other status protected from discrimination by federal, state, or local law.

The use of OCS services constitutes adherence to this policy.

In the event an employer acts in a manner inconsistent with this policy or places a student in an uncomfortable situation, the student should contact OCS immediately. The Associate Dean for Office for Career Services can help determine how to remedy the situation.

Employment Surveys and Requests for Information

On a periodic basis, Office for Career Services will request that students provide information evaluating their various law school work and internship experiences. OCS will gather the information to make it available to other students to assist them in evaluating future employment opportunities. We encourage students to be both honest and professional when preparing these evaluations.

Following graduation, OCS will also seek information from students regarding their post-graduate employment status. The Law School is required to collect and report this information anonymously to the ABA and NALP. The Law School also presents this information in an aggregated form to US News & World Report, employers, current students, alumni and prospective students to provide insight into hiring practices and salary trends.

Students are required to comply with these information requests in a timely fashion and in an honest manner.

Standards of Student Conduct

Actions that bear upon students’ ethical and moral fitness (i.e., honesty and integrity) to practice law, even though such actions do not occur on the property of Golden Gate University, are subject to the School of Law’s Standards of Student Conduct. This may include (but is not limited to) interactions involving employers, externship supervisors, pro bono activities, job fairs and conferences. Students are required to review the Standards of Student Conduct in their entirety.

ABA Standards Compliance

Student Complaint Policy and Procedures

ABA Standard 510 requires law schools to develop and maintain a policy and procedure for handling student complaints about significant problems regarding the law school’s program of legal education and compliance with all ABA Standards. This policy, described below, is in addition to the policies on handling complaints related to sexual harassment and disabilities, outlined in the Discrimination & Harassment Policy and the Policy and Procedures for the Provision of Services to Students with Disabilities, respectively.

  1. Filing of Written Complaint
    Students who wish to report a problem with the law school’s program of legal education or its compliance with the ABA Standards should file a written complaint with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Law School. (As appropriate, the Associate Dean may appoint a designee to fulfill his/her role in these complaint procedures.) The complaint may be submitted via email, US Mail, or personal delivery. The complaint should identify and describe in detail the problem, and explain how the matter implicates the law school’s program of legal education and compliance with specific ABA Standard(s). The complaint also should include the student’s contact information to facilitate further communication in regards to the complaint. The Associate Dean will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within five business days.
  2. Investigation and Response to Complaint
    The Associate Dean will investigate the complaint. The Associate Dean will then set up a meeting with the student or, alternatively, provide the student with a written response to the complaint, within 30 days of receipt of the complaint. In the meeting or the written response, the Associate Dean will provide a substantive response to the complaint, describing the steps taken to investigate the complaint, as well as any steps taken or to be taken to address the complaint.
  3. Optional Appeal
    If the student is dissatisfied with the Associate Dean’s response to, or resolution of, the complaint, the student may file a written appeal with the Dean of the law school. The appeal must be filed within 30 days of the Associate Dean’s response to the complaint. In response to the appeal, the Dean shall either affirm or reverse in whole or in part the Associate Dean’s determination. The Dean’s response to the appeal will be communicated to the student within 30 days of receipt of the appeal. The Dean’s decision shall be final.
  4. Record
    The law school will maintain a record of all complaints filed pursuant to this procedure. The record shall be kept in the Associate Dean’s office for a period of 8 years from the date of final resolution of the complaint.