2023-2024 Law School Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
LAW - 896A Externship: Beginning 2-8 unit(s) This course includes both classroom and field work components. In class, students work toward effectiveness in the field developing skills, engaging in discussion, and reflecting on goals and performance. In the field, students practice civil or criminal law at private law firms, non-profit law offices, government agencies, or in the legal departments of businesses. Students may also be doing an internship with a judge at a court.
Application required by deadline to enroll and is subject to approval by the Externships Director. The deadline is posted on the externship web page found at http://law.ggu.edu/academics/clinics/externships/. This course counts toward completion of the Experiential Learning Requirement. This course is graded on a Credit/No Credit basis.
Select the appropriate link below to view the course catalog and course schedule on the GGU website: